My first Tai Chi lesson through my ‘Dove Buddies’ carer’s service.

Tai Chi for beginners

So, as I walked into the room where my ‘carer friends’ and past carer friends were sitting, in eager anticipation for our Tai Chi instructor to arrive, I really didn’t have any clue or idea what to expect. After the taster had finished I was quietly surprised at how much I enjoyed the experience, and along with the others put my details on a piece of paper expressing my interest to do more.

I proceeded to look out for Tai Chi blogs and the first beginners blog I came across was by the name of Ts’ai Chueh-ming whose blog can be found at the below link
Ts’ai Chueh-ming (teacher) , the first Tai Chi blog I read and an excellent start for beginners in the art of Tai Chi!
Tai Chi, body and soul, breathing energy and movement. So soul invigorating, calming and relaxing, and perhaps for some feeling their bodies through their minds for the first time in their lives. by Stephen Allerton (blogger).

So I had a great instructor by the name of Lyn Emerton qualified instructor for Tai Chi who informed us at our Dove service carer group that Tai Chi in fact is a Chinese form of exercise developed over 700 years ago,and 300 million people worldwide practice it. Wow! that’s like one twentieth of the world do it! Tai Chi consists of slow relaxed movements, involving all the bodies joints, muscles and tendons,promoting mind, body, spirit and wellbeing. The movements are based on self defence moves in kung fu, but slowly done, where Yang style is soft form and White Crane being hard forms of this ancient art form of keep fit. The controlled breathing in Tai Chi helps you to relax and control anxiety and panic attacks.

There are many different forms of Tai Chi.

Sun Style – soft, gentle, relaxing. Suitable for everyone. Yang style is similar and the most popular form of Tai Chi. Tai Chi Shaolin which is a hard style. Chen style another hard form. Wu style – hard form, bending and stretching low down.

Health Benefits are numerous doing Tai Chi from flexibility and strengthening muscles, to body, mind and soul integration, relaxation and meditation.

There is something the Chinese call Qi, which is the life energy within us, flowing through specific channels called meridians. It is a combination of the Qi you were born with and the Qi you absorbed through digestive system from food and water and the air we breathe in. Qi circulates through and around the body with a Qi storage area found 3 fingers below the belly button called the Dan-tien. Chinese practitioners believe that good health comes from a healthy Qi.

And finally friends, if you are interested in doing Tai Chi the institution I’m planning on going to is called :-

Tai Chi for Health Institute by Dr Lam at

Happy Tai Chi, ps if you would like to leave me a comment that would be much appreciated, and don’t forget to click on the posts title to bring up the comments box. Hope to here from you soon , Stephen. blogger.

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