Marisa Peer is phenomenal woman!

Marisa Peer can change your life very quickly. RTT, rapid transformational therapy. Voted No.1 therapist in UK . by Stephen Allerton blogger.
Marisa Peer can change your life very quickly. RTT, rapid transformational therapy. Voted No.1 therapist in UK . by Stephen Allerton blogger.

Hypnotherapist who can change your life very quickly with her World Award Winning RTT (rapid transformational therapy).

Marisa Peer. Top World Renowned Hypnotherapist, can quickly change your lives with her phenomenal 'programs' that work even after one consultation. by Stephen Allerton blogger.
Marisa Peer. Top World Renowned Hypnotherapist, can quickly change your lives with her phenomenal ‘programs’ that work even after one consultation. by Stephen Allerton blogger.

This lady has been voted UK’s no.1 therapist, and her clients have come from all backgrounds, and nationalities, including famous people, even Lady Diana….

Just watching a few of this ladies videos has impressed me tremendously. I have made notes which I will expand below, I will also leave links too Marisa’s media sites which I urge you to check out this truly wonderful ladies skills and talents in bringing the best out of everyone.

Continuing with Marisa’s RTT online Masterclass, I’m quite sure that she can find that ‘formula of success’ for you! I must admit just listening to a few of her videos has helped me to go back in my childhood, and remember those ‘not so good’ times; times which I shrugged my shoulders at at being nothing, and yet in the world of a sensitive child can have quite a profound effect as the child grows into adulthood! The main thing though us those repressed thoughts and memories have come back into the conscious mind and at least ‘forgiveness’ then becomes possible. I think the important thing to mention here is the fact that no child has had the perfect ‘childhood’, and somewhere down the line those tears which were shed, Marisa can help to ‘heal’!

Marisa goes on to say that as we live in a fast paced world, it took here thirty years (30), for as long as she’s been a therapist, to put together her RTT program, and without doubt she knows how the mind works. She can fix people in one to three sessions through her rapid transformational therapy, helped to hypnotize children by using puppets, and found out quite early on that ‘people want Fast Results, in this Fast Paced World’ of ours. Marisa believes that regression is important, and transformation is the cure, and while she understands how people’s minds work and can work out the core route of people’s problems, she can in fact change people very, very quickly. So where she can heal people on the one hand, she can also help people ‘Market themselves’ and testimony of this is that fact that she has wrote four ‘best selling’ books, during her career. So just paraphrasing some of Marisa’s work, she says it’s such a wonderful thing knowing how the mind works, role function and purpose of illnesses, and what’s actually going on with people’s issues. She looks for ‘people skills’ in you.

Marisa has helped thousands of people over the years, where people were so shocked at how easy the course was! and she’s that confident that she can help you, there is a ‘money back gaurantee’.

Marisa’s eight step formula to success is:-

  • 1 Intake form set your client up for success
  • 2 Induction deepening suggestibility in 5 mins
  • 3 Regression ‘upgrade the child’
  • 4 Detective Work ‘ Daisy chaining with your client’
  • 5 When you change the meaning of the interpretation you change everything
  • 6 The transforming work, It’s not me dialogue. Praise Upgrade.
  • 7 The transforming recording.
  • 8 R.F.P.I. (roll, function, purpose, intention) Healing Vortex. Command Cell Therapy.
Please watch this video of Marisa Peer explaining her RTT (rapid tranformational therapy) and how it works. Just one encounter with Marisa can change your life forever! by Stephen Allerton blogger.

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